Parents, I’m sure you are exhausted today. No matter what season of parenting you are in, from the newborn stage to the high school sports and activities stage (and everything in between); you are probably overwhelmed.
And when it comes to our children, most of the time we are just trying to keep them alive each day. Which leaves little space for us to cultivate their discipleship in a meaningful way.
So let me take the pressure off by giving you one way you can make sure you are cultivating their worship of Jesus, right now, wherever you are. There is no special curriculum to follow. No seminary degree required. No “10 steps on how to make your kids love Jesus more” (although I do have a 10-minute a day guide - ask me about it). No super complicated year-long process to undertake.
Just this. Are you ready? How can you cultivate your child’s worship of Jesus, today?
Be a worshiper of Jesus, yourself.
That’s it. Love and Enjoy God. Experience his grace, love, faithfulness, and goodness towards you. Remember how he saved a sinner like you by going to a cross. Read his word. Pray to him. Dwell on his kindness and compassion towards you. See him as better than everything. Prioritize him in your life. Own your sin. Confess it to him. Trust him with your life.
It’s crazy how when we do this, our kids will be impacted greatly and more than likely, they will follow suit.
Image by Kat Gassaway Photography